Using Quizlet. Part 1

These days we have been sharing a lot of ideas for learning vocabulary and finding out together which habits are worth sticking to in order to really know our words.

This is the first of a series of three videos I will post to help you use quizlet, which is one of my all-time favourite apps for language learners.

This video presents the basic idea of what quizlet is for and how to create your first learning sets.

Job hunting

Which is the best way to find a job? On our padlet board we can see some of the ideas that came up in class and some interesting articles where you’ll find the language in context.

We also listed some ideas to succeed at job interviews. Can you think of more?

You can follow the thread on #occeoic on Twitter.


Drawing the line

The following picture was taken in Carballo. It is one of many examples of mural art you can see in this town. Reknown artists were invited to give new life to many walls and buildings.

This one is by Sokram. It is a huge pencil with people trying to climb to the top -one of them is falling. Interpretations may be as diverse as the people who look at it, but there is another controversy to add: the scissors are not part of the original painting.

This triggers an interesting debate: could it be considered vandalism, or the price urban artists have to pay?


Greetings from around the world

In class we learnt how to write short texts for social media posts. After all, it’s one of the most likely writing activities an English language learner may do sooner or later.

Why not start practising your writing skills on your own social media profiles? Here are posts we did in class: Greetings from around the world!

The only things missing are emojis and hashtags!