The Most Beautiful Sounds in the World

If you were to say which was the most beautiful sound in the world, what would you choose?

A baby giggling, or the sound of streams and rivers are just a couple of examples that could be listed among the most beautiful, indeed. If you would like to test your vocabulary of sounds and noises you can have a look at the following two links, which have interesting interactive games to learn verbs that describe sounds that people make: The Sound Monster Interactive GameSounds that people make. Game. Also, you will find extra practice of vocabulary and some grammar that can help you describe more easily how you feel about certain sounds here: Describing Sounds BBC Learning English

To find out which really is the most beautiful sound in the world, sound expert Julian Treasure created a competition where people recorded and submitted what they thought were the most pleasant sounds. The winning entry was the sound of a swamp with frogs singing. Before you listen, can you imagine what that might sound like? Would you say frogs produce a nice sound? Click below to  find out. What do you think?

By clicking on Beautiful Now you will hear samples of some other sounds that were submitted. Which one do you like?

Below you can listen to Julian Treasure interviewing Marc Anderson, who submitted the winning entry. They talk about where the sound was recorded and what makes sound sometimes more reliable than photos. There are four listening comprehension questions below which go from minute 0.00 to minute 4.00.

How does Julian Treasure describe the sound of the swamp? What struck him about it?

Why did Marc choose that sound in particular?

In what ways does he describe sound is more telling than a photo?

Why is sound more truthful at times than a photo?

After listening to these beautiful sounds here is an article which lists the most annoying sounds. The 10 most Annoying Sounds

If you would like to share your feelings and opinions about this, go ahead and post your comment. Is there any sound that you find pleasant or annoying that you hear very often? What do you like to listen to when you need to relax or concentrate?

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